Pokemon Go is Coming to the Philippines in a few hours (*Update: Statement from an agency of Niantic – dismisses rumors)

Pag Ganern

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[su_spoiler title=”UPDATE (August 6, 2016)” open=”yes” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]NOW AVAILABLE.[/su_spoiler]

There are plenty of reasons why Niantic should officially make the augmented reality mobile game, Pokemon Go, available in the Philippines. For starters, ‘Pokemon Go’ is searched more in the Philippines than the ‘Duterte’.

While this data does not fully conclude that Filipinos are more interested about Pokemon Go than our crime and drug-busting President, it is safe to say that the mobile game has a special place in every Filipinos’ heart.


My Facebook feed is crazy and filled with either Pokemon Go or “Pag Ganern” posts. Filipinos have been trying to do crazy ways to gain access to the site, and unofficially catch Pokemons in the Philippines. Everything is likely about to change in the next few hours, as multiple reports have stated that the famous game will finally be officially available in the Philippines in a few hours.

Pag Ganern

Popular lifestyle site, Hypebeast, originally posted this. According to the site: “According to “industry experts”, some telltale signs include servers strengthening for the past few days, increasing their load capacity with lesser reports of glitches occurring.”

[su_button url=”https://www.gadgetpilipinas.net/2016/07/pokemon-go-sensational-app-riddled-cyber-real-world-risks/” target=”blank” style=”3d” background=”#146711″ color=”#ffffff” size=”8″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”round” icon=”icon: bullseye”]Pokémon Go, a sensational app riddled with Cyber and Real-World Risks[/su_button]

We can totally attest to this because we noticed that Niantic have been sporadically turning on and off server nodes in Asia in the past days, which somewhat helped us conclude that they’re currently testing everything for the supposed Asian launch. Also, a new build recently dropped on Play Store (0.29.2), which could have enhancements and optimization for users in other countries.

We are as excited as you are, but we’re still taking all these with a grain of salt. Although we must admit that our guts tell us that the hype is real this time, and it’s the ripe time for us to write something about this.

Nevertheless, while we all prepare for the availability, it wouldn’t hurt to read the following tips about Pokemon Go below:

  • Do not download an APK yet. The current build is 0.29.2 for Android (now compatible with Intel-powered devices). It is available in APK format, but – as of this writing – there is no way you can download it officially via Play Store if you’re based in the Philippines. Should you still want to download and install the APK, do it at your own risk. And while you’re at it, be sure that the file you’re downloading from a reliable source.
  • If you’re makulit, you will be able to “catch” a starter Pokemon while in training. After installing the APK, be sure to ignore initial line-up that will up how on your mobile device for 3 consecutive times. The initial line-up is composed of Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. To ignore the line-up, walk a few meters until you don’t see them your screen. On the 4th time they’ll show up, a familar yellow Pokemon will appear – yes, it’s Pikachu. Tap it, and catch!
  • When you see a Pokemon on your screen, you don’t need to walk near it. You can just simply tap the Pokemon an catch them. This, however, doesn’t work on PokeStops and PokeGyms. You really have to be near the vicinity of those areas in order for you to engage in it.

There is a slim chance that Niantic will see this post. But still, allow us to say this: PLEASE NAMAN, PAKI-LAUNCH NA! ANG TAGAL KO NANG UMAASA!

[WPGP gif_id=”21449″ width=”600″]

*Update: According to IGN, Chris Kramer, Vice President of FortySeven.com, an agency representing Niantic, they do not have yet definite time of release of the app “beyond New Zealand, Australia, US and Germany at the moment.”

*Update (August 6): Now officially available in the Philippines! FINALLY!

*Editor’s Comment: Hay! Paasa! Ang sakit sakit na!

Gian Viterbo
Founder, Chief Editor, and Sales Lead at Gadget Pilipinas | Website

Giancarlo Viterbo is a Filipino Technology Journalist, blogger and Editor of gadgetpilipinas.net, He is also a Geek, Dad and a Husband. He knows a lot about washing the dishes, doing some errands and following instructions from his boss on his day job. Follow him on twitter: @gianviterbo and @gadgetpilipinas.

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