Nokia N900 Appears at Nokia Philippines Support Page

n900 in the philippines

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Yesterday, I blogged that a member of MeegoClub reported that Nokia SM North Edsa had already started selling Nokia N900. Though the said device is not yet available at the ‘Find Products’ section of Nokia Philippines Website, it is apparently present at the local Nokia Website’s Support page. Is this just normal or the Nokia N900 had really silently landed in the Philippines.

Is Nokia covering this up because they want more Nokia X6 sales? Or they are waiting for Sony Ericsson’s launching of Xperia X10 so they can front Nokia N900 as its director competitor? What do you all think?

n900 in the philippines

Gian Viterbo
Founder, Chief Editor, and Sales Lead at Gadget Pilipinas | Website

Giancarlo Viterbo is a Filipino Technology Journalist, blogger and Editor of, He is also a Geek, Dad and a Husband. He knows a lot about washing the dishes, doing some errands and following instructions from his boss on his day job. Follow him on twitter: @gianviterbo and @gadgetpilipinas.

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