5 Reasons Why You Should Get the Farpoint PS4 Bundle Pack

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Imagine being in an unfamiliar Mars-like planet on steroids. Its nearby star is just as close as we are to our sun but the lack of an atmosphere can burn you alive in an instant. Anywhere you look is dusty, desolate, and arid. It’s a place that’s just reserved for explorers who all lay it on the line for discovery. Then just when you thought that it couldn’t get any worse, you get separated from your crew letting you, and try to survive on your own with hostile aliens out to get you for lunch. Hooray!

Well, that’s not the best part. Instead of just imagining that scenario , why not be in one? That’s the fun proposition of Farpoint – the first Playstation VR title to use the new Aim Controller. Together with the game’s VR mode, you’ll really get a taste of what it’s like to be battling alien life forms in another planet.

Not convinced yet? We’ll give you 5 reasons why you should get the Farpoint bundle pack (game + Aim controller) that will be available by May 16.

Reason#1: PS VR Aim Controller

Yes, the PSVR Aim controller, on the outside looks like a 3D printed prototype for an ergonomic toy gun designed for a toddler.

Playstation Aim controller

If looks could kill, this won’t. But see it in action virtually and it’s just as good as any gun.

But in the VR world, it’s anything but for kids. The PS VR Aim Controller isn’t like the gun implement of older PS consoles or those shooters you see in the arcades that, despite its awesomeness, are not that immersive. In Farpoint you get to choose where you go with its analog sticks, and pull the trigger with abandon or precision, picking off the aliens up above, down below or maybe (hopefully) behind you. It puts you in fuller control as a gamer and gives you that feeling of being a space marine especially when you use it with…

Reason#2: PlayStation VR Headset

Put on the PS VR Headset and you’ll feel right smack in the middle of alien territory. Farpoint’s graphics ensure you feel the depth of the setting—allowing you to tread carefully or rush for cover as you hold your gun on the hip or aiming down the sights—ready to fire anytime to keep the alien hosts at bay.

Reason#3: Farpoint’s Storyline and Gameplay

Essentially, you crash onto a foreign planet and get separated from the rest of your crew. But as you go along in finding them and dealing with the plethora of aliens heading your way, you get to use different guns, which maximizes the PS VR Aim Controller. Will there be an assortment of full auto or sniper rifles, shotguns and even rocket launchers? We shall see. Discovery and survival will be the theme in this first of its kind, tactile game.

Reason#4: The Adrenalin Rush!

Farpoint will no doubt, give us the as-real- as-it- gets treatment. Real enough that we’ll be moving quite a lot, too! The game promises to make us duck, dodge, shoot a gun and run. But it’s best we do the running via the analog sticks. Just make sure you have space around when playing. Sony promises this game to be truly immersive. I’ll be wearing a fitness tracker when we get our hands on the game since I expect this to be a workout.

Reason #5: COOP Play!

Too scared to delve into the planet alone? Why not convince a buddy to get the bundle as well? Farpoint includes a COOP mode which means you have each other’s backs while obliterating lethal aliens all around. Here’s hoping we can do a virtual-high five in the game.

The Aim controller + Farpoint bundle launches on May 12 in our shores.

Farppoint cover

P2,299 for the disc version but we suggest getting the bundle (Aim Controller + game) for P4,990.


Allan Abaca is an avid gamer through and through. Virtually, he is locked-in with his PS4 almost daily and has just introduced the awesomeness of gaming to his two sons.

Next in his sights is PC gaming. The platform which he nows considering going back to after a two decade hiatus.

Oh, and let's not forget the Nintendo Switch...

His psn id is hip2b2

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