Apart from the Mi 9, Xiaomi also launched its mid-range counterpart, the Mi 9 SE. The special edition version of the Mi 9 is the first in the world with the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 712 chipset. It has a 48MP camera with a Sony IMX586 sensor at the back, and an in-display fingerprint scanner on the front.
The Mi 9 SE is slightly smaller than the flagship with a 5.97” AMOLED display with a waterdrop notch on the top and a slightly thicker bezel on the bottom. The Snapdragon 712 is partnered with 6GB RAM and 64/128GB of storage.
The new SoC is roughly the same as the Snapdragon 710 but with a slightly faster CPU. It’s still built on the 10nm FiNFET process and its modem supports all the usual Wi-Fi standards, Bluetooth 5.0, and dual LTE.
Its main shooter is composed of a 13MP ultra wide-angle lens and an 8 MP telephoto lens. While its front-facing camera is a 20MP shooter with plenty of Beauty filters.
It’s all powered by a 3070mAh battery that supports fast-charging but is capped at 18W. There is no 3.5mm audio jack, so you’ll have to rely on the USB-C port or Bluetooth headset for your listening sessions. It features a Game Turbo, the latest MIUI 10, and an NFC chip.
The Xiaomi Mi 9 SE comes in Blue, Violet, and Black it will cost between CNY 1,999 (around PHP 15,494.32) and CNY 2,299 (around PHP 17,819.63)
Ram found his love and appreciation for writing in 2015 having started in the gaming and esports sphere for GG Network. He would then transition to focus more on the world of tech which has also began his journey into learning more about this world. That said though, he still has the mentality of "as long as it works" for his personal gadgets.