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SplitmediaLabs has officially announced XSplit Gamecaster V4 and is now available as a free download!

XSplit Gamecaster V4 is rebuilt from the ground up for aspiring content creators to record and stream professional-looking video to share on platforms like Twitch, Mixer, YouTube, Facebook, all with a click of a button.

xsplit-gamecaster-v4-uiSome of the key features of XSplit Gamecaster V4 include a simple setup, an in-game HUD, custom themes, features that build and engage the community, and cloud storage.

Live streaming and recording is as simple as pressing a button to start. XSplit Gamecaster automatically adjusts the encoding settings to ensure the highest quality and performance.

xsplit-gamecaster-v4-themesIt also includes an in-game HUD for quick and easy controls. In the HUD, creators can stop and start the broadcast, toggle between scenes, interact with chat, and check out recent events and stats.

xsplit-gamecaster-v4-theme-selectionXSplit Gamecaster V4 also includes 300 themes to choose from. You can even build your own theme from scratch for a more unique video and streaming experience.

xsplit-gamecaster-v4-editorGamecaster V4 also stores all of your themes in a cloud which allows you to switch computers, format the PC, and even broadcast/record away from home.

XSplit Gamecaster V4 is available for free to download or paid under a Premium License where it is packaged with XSplit Broadcaster, XSplit VCam, and the newly released XSplit Express Video Editor.

Ram Ronquillo
Social Media Lead and Content Editor | Website

Ram found his love and appreciation for writing in 2015 having started in the gaming and esports sphere for GG Network. He would then transition to focus more on the world of tech which has also began his journey into learning more about this world. That said though, he still has the mentality of "as long as it works" for his personal gadgets.

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