To say that Japanese idols are popular in its native country of Japan can be a bit of an understatement. You got your live idols like AKB48 and animated ones like those from Love Live, and then there’s the iDOLM@STER.
It’s not wrong to think that an idol game would mostly focus on rhythm music games, but the iDOLM@STER has been more than that and that’s why for its 15th Anniversary, Bandai Namco has announced an upcoming title called the iDOLM@STER Starlit Season for the Playstation 4 and Steam.
You can check out the announcement trailer below!
You’re once again stepping into the shoes of an idol producer, and tasked to put together a team to compete in the titular Starlit Season for the chance to perform in the newly built Starlit Dome. The treat here, especially for the fans, will be putting together a team from the different iDOLM@STER games that popped up over the years, which includes the original iDOLM@STER, Cinderella Girls, Million Live, and Shiny Colors.
- idolmaster 1
- idolmaster 1
- idolmaster 2
- idolmaster 2
- idolmaster 3
- idolmaster 3
- idolmaster 4
- idolmaster 4
Over the course of 10 months, you will be managing your chosen team, decide on when they take their lessons to get better, or perform to increase fans. It’s all up to you and if you’re up for the challenge to take your idols to the top, keep an eye out as the iDOLM@STER Starlit Season will release sometime in 2020!
Videogame Content Editor. A father and gamer. Would gladly trade what’s left of his soul to witness a Final Fantasy 6 and Xenogears remake done during his lifetime.