24/7 Remote Medical Consultations Available for GTS HMO Clients

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GTS Insurance Brokers, Inc. (GTS), encourages its clients to avail of telemedicine services offered by its HMO partners such as Maxicare, Intellicare, Medicard, and PhilCare when in need of medical consultation.

TeleMedicine_Consultation_v3Telemedicine services enable GTS clients to have a remote consultation with physicians at the comfort of their own home. These can be conducted via video conferencing, telephone call or text messaging. These can help them get initial screenings for their medical needs.

Aside from protecting them from possible exposure to COVID-19 while outside, these can also help decongest hospitals and support front liners in the midst of this pandemic.

Maxicare members can call the consultation hotline at (02)8582-1980. Intellicare, PhilCare, and Medicard all have mobile applications that will initially take the user’s current condition using a series of questions then connect them to their respective physicians.

  • Call Doc Medgate for Intellicare
  • My Pocket Doctor for Medicard
  • HeyPhil for PhilCare

Mobile applications can be downloaded via Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

GTS has more than 50 life and non-life insurance partners including HMOs that provide remote consultation services. For more information, click here.

Emman Tortoza
Chief Editor and Content Lead at Gadget Pilipinas | Website

Emman has been writing technical and feature articles since 2010. Prior to this, he became one of the instructors at Asia Pacific College in 2008, and eventually landed a job as Business Analyst and Technical Writer at Integrated Open Source Solutions for almost 3 years.

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