As Intel teases its upcoming 11th Generation Rocket Lake Processors, motherboard partners follow with the announcement of their LGA1200 Z590 motherboards. ASUS went all out with their whole ROG Z590 motherboard lineup as well as TUF Gaming Motherboards and their Prime series. While we do get Philippine Pricing for the ROG motherboards, it looks like there aren’t any pre-orders like we saw on the ASUS Z490 launch.
ASUS ROG Z590 Motherboard Pricing
Model Name | SRP |
ROG Maximus XIII Extreme Glacial | PHP 74,990 |
ROG Maximus XIII Extreme | PHP 44,499 |
ROG Maximus XIII Hero | PHP 26,190 |
ROG Strix Z590-E Gaming Wi-Fi | PHP 19,490 |
ROG Strix Z590-F Gaming Wi-Fi | PHP 16,990 |
ROG Strix Z590-A Gaming WiFi | PHP 16,790 |
ROG Strix Z590-I Gaming WiFi | PHP 19,190 |
TUF Gaming Z590-Plus WiFi | PHP 12,990 |
TUF Gaming Z590-Plus | PHP 11,890 |
Prime Z590-A | PHP 13,290 |
ASUS ROG Z590 series motherboards will be available starting middle of February 2021.
Be on the lookout for the following retailers announcing Pre-Orders for the ASUS ROG Z590 motherboards.
- ROG Concept Store Davao and Gilmore
- Davao Futurebright Enterprises
- Dynaquest
- Easy PC
- Gaisano Interpace
- PC Express
- PC Hub
- PC QuickBuys
- PC Worx
- Strategic Technologies
- Thinking Tools.
Grant is a Financial Management graduate from UST. His passion for gadgets and tech crossed him over in the industry where he could apply his knowledge as an enthusiast and in-depth analytic skills as a Finance Major. His passion allows him to earn at the same time help Gadget Pilipinas' readers in making smart, value-based decisions and purchases with his reviews and guides.