‘The Godfather of AI’ Geoffrey Hinton Resigns from Google and Warns of Dangers of AI

Geoffrey Hinton - leaves Google warns AI

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Geoffrey Hinton, also dubbed as the godfather of AI, has just quit Google revealing his concerns over its possible dangers.

Hinton joined Google in 2013 to help develop the company’s AI technology and pioneered the way to new techs like ChatGPT and Google Bard. Prior to this, he built a neural net with two of his students at the University of Toronto.

The Godfather of AI and Its Dangers

According to Hinton, he left the company so he could speak freely about the dangers of the new tech. “Right now, they’re not more intelligent than us, as far as I can tell. But I think they soon may be,” he said in an interview with the BBC.

He also mentioned in an interview with MIT Technology Review that the tech could be exploited by “bad actors” that may use the new tech in ways that could have detrimental impacts on society.

Geoffrey Hinton - leaves Google warns AI - 1

I’ve come to the conclusion that the kind of intelligence we’re developing is very different from the intelligence we have. So it’s as if you had 10,000 people and whenever one person learned something, everybody automatically knew it. And that’s how these chatbots can know so much more than any one person,” he mentioned.

Tech leaders including Elon Musk previously signed a petition to pause ChatGPT due to security concerns. A month after, it was reported that Germany was looking into banning the chatbot. Samsung, shortly after, was said to prohibit generative AI tools in company-owned devices.

Sources 1, 2, 3 | Featured Image

Ram Ronquillo
Social Media Lead and Content Editor | Website

Ram found his love and appreciation for writing in 2015 having started in the gaming and esports sphere for GG Network. He would then transition to focus more on the world of tech which has also began his journey into learning more about this world. That said though, he still has the mentality of "as long as it works" for his personal gadgets.

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