realme has just expanded its product offerings after launching two new earphones, the first Smart TV SLED 4K, the 100W Smart Bar, and AIoT products. Some of these include the realme Smart Cam 360°, 20,000mAh Power Bank 2, and the N1 Sonic Electric Toothbrush.
realme Smart Cam 360°
The realme Smart Cam 360° is a ...
OPPO announced that it will license its global 3G and 4G standard-essential patents to the IoT (Internet of Things) and automotive markets through the Avanci licensing platform.
"OPPO has always been committed to promoting the healthy development of the industry. We are willing to license OPPO's essential patent ...
NTT Ltd., the world-leading global technology services provider has recently revealed its predictions for 2020 in terms of trends in tech.
Based on key insights from its technology experts, the company outlines the trends that'll shape the business Technology landscape throughout 2020. across six key areas:
In celebration of its 10th anniversary, Cherry Mobile launched a new lineup of products called CherryHome. Made for offices and homes, these products aim to empower users to be more productive by being able to control devices connected via your home or office network with a user-friendly interface in a mobile device. ...