Last night, I told my wife that it would be ideal that Steve Jobs would make the announcement of the iPad 3 in March and iPhone 5 in June 2012 to create and post significant mark to the total view and value of Apple, unless he dies before the year ends. And then, the unfortunate event happened this morning - Steve ...
The iOS5, being a major update, was expected to feature revamped notification and a cloud-based storage and syncing ecosystem that can literally render the 30-pin sync cable useless. Apple didn't disappoint us. Everything I hoped for was answered in 45 minutes.
It will be a beautiful Monday morning in San Francisco during the World Wide Developers Conference where Steve Jobs and his team of Apple Executives unveil the latest software for Apple devices.
RUMOR: New iPods, 7" screen iPads, iPhone 5 and enhanced but cheaper version of iPhone 4 bumpers will be available in late 2010 and early 2011. Are you excited?