MediaTek has just launched the Pentonic 1000, its latest flagship SoC designed for 4K 120Hz displays. Among its highlights include support for Wi-Fi 6/6E, MEMC, a powerful AI processor, Dolby Vision IQ, and 8-screen Intelligent View. There are also more advanced video codecs and global TV broadcast standards.
The ...
MediaTek has just introduced the Pentonic 700 chipset for premium 120Hz 4K smart TVs. The new chipset has a powerful processing engine, offers quality enhancements, support for Dolby IQ with Precision Detail, and gaming optimizations, to name a few.
“MediaTek’s Pentonic series brings more intelligence to smart TVs ...
MediaTek announced that it is the first TV SoC manufacturer to support Dolby Vision IQ and Precision Detail.
Precision detail is an innovative feature introduced for TVs with Dolby Vision IQ. This will be supported by MediaTek’s Pentonic series for 8K and 4K smart TVs which can also enable other TV ...
MediaTek has just released the MediaTek Pentonic 2000, its latest flagship TV chipset. This comes after the company unveiled the new smartphone SoC – the Dimensity 9000, the first 4nm chipset.
The Pentonic 2000 is the first TV chipset that's built on the TSMC 7nm node. It is also the first commercial TV chipset to ...