OnePlus had a busy day last Tuesday wherein they introduced the OnePlus 11 globally and the OnePlus Ace 2 in China. Meanwhile, in India, the company unveiled the OnePlus 11R.
Alongside these devices were the OnePlus Pad and Buds Pro 2 in the global market and the Buds Ace in China. The company also showcased the ...
OnePlus has just teased the introduction of the OnePlus Ace 2 in China on February 7. This is a separate event from the already massive event set to take place in India where the OnePlus 11 and 11R, OnePlus Buds Pro 2, OnePlus Pad, and more will be unveiled for the global market.
OnePlus Ace 2
The OnePlus Ace 2 ...
OnePlus has just confirmed that the OnePlus 11R will be among the devices that will be introduced in a massive launch event on February 7.
The new device will share the stage at the event with the Buds Pro 2, the OnePlus Pad, and the global debut of the OnePlus 11, to name a few of the devices.
OnePlus 11R
OnePlus India, after announcing a February 7 launch event, has just confirmed that the OnePlus Pad will officially join the event alongside other products.
OnePlus Pad teaser
The Indian branch of the manufacturer has just released a teaser poster for some of the devices that will be showcased during the event ...
OnePlus is said to be launching quite a lot this February 7, among these include the OnePlus 11 and its first keyboard. To add to this, the company is also reportedly set to introduce the OnePlus 11R and OnePlus Pad.
OnePlus Pad
The tablet has been reported since 2021 with a recent rumor saying that the ...